Are Charity Team Building Programs Worth It?
Corporate Responsibility is an ever growing area of focus for companies and businesses and often they look for different ways to give back to the community. In a growing trend companies are using team building days to combine the two.
One of the most popular charity team building activities currently available is the bike build program. This activity involves delegates building bikes and giving them away to disadvantaged kids. It not only is alot of fun but also sends a powerful message to all who participate. Imagine seeing the smiles on the kids faces as they walk into the room to collect their bike…priceless.
I came across this article that sums it up best in terms of what delegates get out of these types of events.
Promoting ownership and engagement
For corporations, the immediate gain is represented by employees who are more connected and devoted to the company.
…More at How to Organize Corporate Philanthropic Events With Team Building Benefits
If delegates can feel like they belong and that their work matters and makes a difference then this can have a positive effect within the culture of an organisation. It can lead to better working relationships and improved productivity because all of a sudden you have a better buy in from everyone.
So when people ask me are charity team building activities worth it…I have no hesitations in saying…YES, It has the potential to act as the catalyst to effect change within an organisation so that everyone can head in the one direction.
If you would like to learn more about our charity programs and how they can help your business, please visit our charity team building activities page or give us a call to discuss your options.