Are Introverted Leaders Better?

Over the years we seem to have developed this culture and belief that extroverts make better leaders?  Susan Cain presented a keynote speech on “The Power Introverts” which puts forth a pretty intriguing and thought provoking case as to how we see and value introverts within a team or organisation especially when it comes to creativity and productivity.

Watch the video below

As you can see with a third to a half of the population being introverts its important within any organisation or team to create an environment (or zone of stimulation) that nurtures both extroverts and introverts so that each individual is able to maximise their talents. Its about having that balance and changing the ways we currently do things to cater for the introverts so that they too can shine.

Rio Tinto – Treasure Hunt Team Day

What a great day we had in Perth yesterday with the team from Rio Tinto during their Treasure Hunt up in Kings Park.

Donning their best “Pirate” costumes, teams went all out to gain extra coins by being the best dressed team and that award on the day went to team “Autoplunder” and here’s why:

treasure hunt team building event







After all activities were completed however, it was team “Motley Crew” that managed to be the 1st team to open the Treasure Chest and collect the spoils.

Treasure Hunt







Fantastic day had by all and here’s a video showing some other photo’s from the event:

If your looking for a fun team building event and would like more information on our treasure hunt, please give us a call.


Department of Agriculture & Food WA – Win it in a Minute

Always a winner! Another Win it in a Minute program in Perth this week and another great result.

The program is a great way to get everyone together on a fun and social level and involve them in a program that creates some fantastic team spirit and cohesion.

The team from the Department of Agriculture and Food WA took part in their Win it in a Minute on Thursday and whatever initial thoughts participants entered with were left at the door as they went against the clock to earn top points and become champions for the day.

The scores at the end of the program were as follows:

3rd Place = Purple 300 points
2nd Place = Grey 900 points
1st Place = Blue 1000 points

It was tight at the top, but the BLUE TEAM won and took home the medals and bragging rights for the day.

Win it in a Minute







See the video below for some great photo’s of their event:

BHP Billiton – Treasure Hunt Challenge

What a fantastic opportunity to deliver one of our Treasure Hunts right in amongst the amazing landscape that is Karijini National Park, namely at Karijini Eco Retreat.

The team from BHP Billiton were treated to an amazing getaway to this beautiful location with a team building program thrown in . They had a great time working together across a number of challenges in order to ultimately discover the combination that would open the treasure chest.

The orange team were victorious on they day, but a fantastic time was had by all.

Treasure Hunt







Check out a video highlighting some photo’s from their event here:

Rio Tinto Team Scavenger Hunt

Thanks to the team from Rio Tinto ATM for a fun filled afternoon during their Scavenger Hunt through Perth on Friday.

14 teams challenged to become champions and earn the most amount of points over the course of all missions. There can however only be one winner and on this occasion that was Team 11 – well done!

Scavenger Hunt







Check out a video from the event below: